It’s back!
After a long hiatus, my podcast, The Why Behind the What, is back with all-new episodes, a new logo, new music, and new ideas to share with you! Where have I been for the last few years? Well, not doing a podcast, that’s for sure. But rest assured it is back and ready to go.
Starting January 13th, a new episode will drop every two weeks based on the theme, ‘Ancient Contemplative Spirituality for Today’s Transformation.’
The past few years have brought me on a journey where I realized faith wasn’t working for me as it once had. My Christian life wasn’t what it once was. The prayers I said, the songs I sang, the church services I attended, the Bible I read, it all stopped working. I became disillusioned, bored, tired, and critical. I was burnt out. And, much of this happened while I was working as a pastor.
I needed something new in my faith and something more for my soul. What I discovered was that something ‘new’ was actually something quite old; ancient actually.
That’s what I’ll introduce you to this season. In these episodes, I’ll invite you into ancient spiritual practices that relieve stress, increase union with the Divine, and lead to personal and spiritual transformation. These practices have quite literally revived my faith, healed my soul, increased my passion, and allowed me to hear the still small voice of God.
If you have found yourself on a similar faith journey; one that isn’t working as it once did, one that has led you to become burnt out, cynical, or tired, I hope you will listen. And more than that, I hope you will open yourself up to the Divine and through ancient contemplative spirituality, you might be transformed today.
A few things you can do to help spread the word about The Why Behind the What:
First, subscribe to the podcast on APPLE PODCASTS, PODBEAN, SPOTIFY, STITCHER, OVERCAST, google play, podcast republic, or wherever you listen.
sECOND, please share it on social media (I need your help to spread the word to the masses).
THIRD, please review it on ITUNES PODCASTS so those silly algorithms will allow more people to find it.
Until then, may you have peace, may you have calm, and may you have happiness.
This podcast and blog were written and recorded on Monacan Land. For more about indigenous land and territories where you live and work, check out