Life is short and we don't have much time to gladden the hearts of those with whom we travel. So, be quick to love and make haste to be kind. And the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be with you and remain with you always. Amen.
Isn’t that beautiful? Almost every Sunday I hear this benediction at the end of a service at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.
Almost every Sunday I am reminded of the truths of this benediction; that life is short, we travel with many people whose hearts need to be uplifted, I must be quick to love, and do whatever I can to be kind. It sounds so simple, yet it’s hard to do.
In episode thirteen of my podcast, I interview co-reverends, co-rectors, Rev. Dr. Diane and Rev. Todd Vie. We discuss what it has been like for them, as a married couple, to go from the professional world of business to discerning their calls to be priests.
We also discuss how the ancient prayers found in the Book of Common Prayer are full of meaning as well as how the liturgy, of the structure of a church service, can be incredibly mysterious.
One of the things we talk about in this episode is how often we are surprised by God. The Divine meets us when we least expect it. And, when we acknowledge that and become aware of it, encountering God is not only exciting, but is also mysterious.
Faith is a mystery. God is Mystery. The Divine Mystery loves to surprise us.
If you want a little more information or resources from this episode, Rev. Diane and Todd recommend the following resources and websites as a good starting point: The Book of Common Prayer; The Online Book of Common Prayer; Your Faith, Your Life; Bishop Curry’s Way of Love Podcast; St. Paul’s Episcopal Church; and the Episcopal Church.
As you continue to be surprised by the Divine Mystery, may you have peace, may you have calm, and may you have happiness.