Sometimes I stand up and speak about the Divine. It is one of my greatest honors and loves. 


Prior Speaking Venues:

Google Talks NYC; Google Talks Chicago; CHIC; Association for Chaplaincy and Spiritual Life in Higher Education Annual Conference; University of Lynchburg; Brown University; North Park University; Wheaton College; Pilgrim Pines Retreat Center; Camp Crossroads; Ashram Pastor’s Retreat; The Salvation Army National Conference; Moody Bible Institute; among others.

Sermon or Teaching Topics:

Sunday Pulpit Fill; Lectionary Preaching; Embracing Love Book Workshops; Introduction to Contemplative Spiritual Practices; Performance of Colossians from Memory; Enneagram: A Personal Transformation Tool, Personal Self-Care and Productivity, and more.


A Sermon on Sermons: Jesus is the one we proclaim

-Colossians 1:25-29

Strength of heart: True mercy

-1 Samuel 24

I AM the Bread of life

-John 6:25-40

Prodigal God: the people around jesus

-luke 15:1-3, 11-32 

Talks at Google NYC & Google Chicago

-Embracing love